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  • Writer's pictureSarah Jennings

Welcome to Kneading Patience - About the Blogger

Updated: Jan 30, 2020

Hello! My name is Sarah, I am twenty years old, and I live in a little farmhouse with my wonderful boyfriend, Evan in Fairlawn, Va. I am presently pursuing my Bachelor of Fine Arts from Radford University. I am a junior graphic design major and marketing minor. My boyfriend is a carpenter currently working for a small company in Blacksburg, and he just got his business license. I am a graphic design marketing intern for a cybersecurity company. I also work on campus for Highlander Student Media. I am the vice president of the Student Media Committee, and I am currently towards the end of my second year of being Editor in Chief of The Beehive-Radford’s yearbook. I also enjoy occasionally freelancing, making wedding invitations, logos, websites, business cards, etc.

We have two cats - Penelope and Bella. They are both rescues, we got Penelope when she was six weeks old and Bella when she was seven months, currently they are both around two years old and frankly a little spoiled. Penelope has a false hardened exterior she exhibits to strangers, but underneath that, she is the sweetest kitty and loves to cuddle with people and blankets. Bella, on the other hand, has no hesitation in greeting visitors, lapping up all the attention she can get, but she is terrified of outdoors. She is also the curious one often getting into anything and everything she can, but thankfully it’s rarely destructive.

I love to make loaves of bread, pastries, and desserts, and thankfully Evan loves to eat them. The only problem is during the school year; I have barely any time to do the things I love-especially baking. I do occasionally cook during this busy time, but it’s more about getting food on the table than enjoying the process of creating something delicious. As for baking during the school year, the closest I get to that is making two-minute mug brownies in the microwave. Hardly the taste profile and complexity my heart desires from watching French baking videos on social media. Baking requires so much time and patience that I often neglect it to do more critical and frankly more stressful things. In the interest of my mental health, I knead (pun intended) to practice some patience. So this blog will help (or force) me to carve out some time and make some enjoyable treats in the kitchen.

I welcome your feedback let’s start,

Kneading Patience.

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